Switzerland and Thailand in February 2023 further elaborated their initial deal and agreed that Switzerland will invest $100mln in Thailand in CO2 reduction projects. Thailand can transfer credits, such as 1,5 Mt of an E-Bus project, to Switzerland as #ITMOs if the cuts go beyond the Thai NDC target. Switzerland can then meet part of…
Nations develop strategies for a smart use of the global carbon market to help meet Paris goals
The Paris Agreement Parties adopted at CoP-26 in Glasgow in 2021 Art 6.2 guidelines, to make use of international carbon trading to help meet the Paris goals and a new centralized carbon credit issuing mechanism (Art 6.4). Parties are now preparing to operationalize these guidelines and to setup the Supervisory Body for Art 6.4, to…
Tackle emissions in international supply chains to meet strengthened CO2 targets
In the past year, a lot of attention has been paid to the role of international supply chains. This was because we noticed their vulnerability due to corona as important manufacturing parts could not be delivered, shareholders are forcing oil companies to reduce CO2 emissions in the upstream and downstream chain (‘scope-3’ emissions) and research…
EU CO2 target requires flexibility. Switzerland signs a CO2 deal with Peru. Sweden prepares deals.
The European Commission’s “Impact Assessment”, presented with the climate proposals for 2030, describes various scenarios for achieving the CO2 targets. What is striking is that there is still a gap in the emissions budget. The Commission wants to promote CO2 storage in nature and soils through additional market incentives. That is indeed an important, but…